August 2017

Best in Show

Creative Award and 1st Senior – “Gardener’s Delight”
by Barbara Turner

olour Award – Interpretative –
“Hi Lily, Hi Lily, Hi Low”

by Eileen Wenn

1st Traditional Design – Hogarth Curve (D)
by Eileen Wenn 

1st Members Choice
by Sue Pilatti

1st Open Section – Line on Line in
Complementary Colours (D)
by Sue Pilatti

 1st Interpretative –
 “Hi Lily, Hi Lily, Hi Low”

by Jean Shine

1st Novice – “Gardener’s Delight”
by Pat Elliott

 1st Intermediate – “Gardener’s Delight”
by Julie Bolton

 1st Senior
– Wired Prayer Book Spray (D)
by Barbara Turner


 Demonstration Pieces by Valerie Roy

 Valerie’s  rendition of Georgian (D)A lovely interpretation of
“Spring Romance” by Valerie 


held in the Mandurah Performing Arts Centre 18th – 20th August 2017

1st Place
by Jean Shine

 2nd Place
by Yuka Chalmers 

3rd Place

by Jeannette Hudson