June 2022


Best in Show
1st Members Choice
by Sue Pilatti



Colour Award, 1st Novice – Monochromatic (D)
by Mary Peck

 Creative Award
by Sue Pilatti
                1st Modern – Basic Modern (D)
                     by Pene Brunning 

            1st Open – Vegatitive Wreath (D)
                 by Sharon Cunningham

     1st Interpretative “Flaxability”
               by Jean Shine


       1st Novice – “Fabulous Foliage”
                   by Lois Gest


        1st Intermediate – Monochromatic (D)
Gail Richardson



        1st Intermediate – “Fabulous Foliage”
                  by Susanna McKenzie

      1st Senior – Monochromatic (D)
                  by Leonie Joss


             1st Fabulous Foliage
               by Maureen Young

June “Wearable Art Fashion Show”
Creators and Models
Denise Shelbourn (created by Lesley Parkin),  Jane Merralls,  Celeste de Villiers,  Bruni Prince,  Susanna MacKenzie,  
Anna Stokes (created by Susanna MacKenzie),  Sharon Stewart, 
Debbie Jones,  Val Roy,   Leanne McNally,  Lee-Ann Touyz,  Leonie Joss       

Pene, with her “Wearable Art Necklace” was a great compare for all the models and their creations

      Denise wearing Lesley’s creation






      Anna with Susanna’s 2nd piece











 2022 Members Championship
“Celebrating 70 Years of Floral Art”

1st –  Pene Brunning

    2nd – Barbara Turner

                3rd – Celeste de Villiers

        Highly Commended – Sharon Stewart

2022 WAFAS 70th Birthday Celebrations