Affiliated Clubs
Parent Body

Australian Floral Art Association (AFAA) website –
WAFAS Affiliated Clubs
Albany Floral Art Group
Meetings held on the 1st Friday of each month at the Vancouver Arts Centre, Albany at 10am.
Flower Designers’ Club of Bunbury
Meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of the month from February to November. Meetings take place in members homes at 9:30 am. Creative Design Group workshops are held bi- monthly.
Mandurah Floral Art Group
Meetings held on the 1st Saturday of each month from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Lions Club Hall, 95A Parks St. Mandurah.
Southern Floral Art Group
Meetings held on the 4th Saturday of each month at the Wattle Grove Baptist Church, cnr Hale Road and Welshpool Road East (Puddy Lane), Wattle Grove at 10:30 am.
Flower Arrangers Morley
Meetings held on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Anglican Church Hall, Cnr Roberts & Murray Sts., Bayswater at 9:30 am.
For more information on the above groups, please send us an email through our ‘contact us’ page.