June 2016

Best in Show

DSC051371st Interpretative – “Shapes and Shadows”, 1st Creative
Sue Pilatti

1st Colour Award –
“On the Straight and Narrow”

by Barbara Turner


1st Minimal material/
Maximum Impact
by Lois Seaton

1st Members Choice
Eileen Wenn

1st Open –
Asymmetrical Triangle (D)
Swanny Tanoto


1st Intermediate– “On the Straight and Narrow”
Marion Lee

1st Senior – Line on Line (D)
by Anna Stokes



1st Senior – “On the Straight and Narrow
by Maureen Young

 2016 Members Championship
“Pink Delight”

1st PlaceJulie Raymond

nd PlaceJean Shine

3rd Place –
Sue Pilatti

Highly Commended 


Denise Shelbourn

Sue Larkin


Noreen Donovan’s Demonstration

Noreen sharing her expertise and knowledge with the audience.


Jeannete thanking Noreen, Sharon and Denise for all their work.


 Examples of Noreen’s demonstrations from the Friday workshop, Saturday and the Sunday workshop



 Presentations to the Award Winners

Julia Lewis receiving her Life Membership Award
Sue Pilatti with the Annual Creative Award
Julie Raymond accepting the Members Championship Award