October 2019

Best in Show

1st Members Choice
by Debbie Jones


 Colour Award,
1st European design –
Horizontal Design (D)

by Sharon Cunningham

reative Award, 1st Intermediate –

by Emma Manger


1st Open Section –
Strauss Bouquet (D)
by Eileen Wenn

1st Interpretative –

by Jean Shine

1st Novice –  
Asymmetrical Triangle (D)
by Angela Tew

1st Intermediate – 
Asymmetrical Triangle (D)
by Emma Manger
1st Senior – 
Asymmetrical Triangle (D)
by Leanne McNally

1st Senior –
by Leanne McNally

Demonstration Pieces by Sue Pilatti and Jeannette Hudson

Sue’s delightful demonstration of Contemporary Horizontal (D)


Jeannette’s three diverse and wonderful interpretations of “Bold but Beautiful” 

held in the Manning Community Centre,  19th & 20th October 

1st Prize – “Inspiration”
by Barbara Turner

Second – “Inspiration”

by Lesley Parkin

 Third – “Inspiration”
by Denise Shelbourn


Highly Commended – Inspiration
by Anna Stokes

 Yuka Chalmers


Sharon Cunningham