November 2020

Best in Show

1st Members Choice
by Annette Hedges


 Colour Award,
1st Intermediate – Tapestry (D)
by Angela Tew


reative Award

by Debbie Jones


 1st Modern – Basic Modern
by Eileen Wenn


1st Open – Split Level (D)
by Lesley Parkin

1st Interpretative – “Delightfully Delicate”
by Annette Hedges


 1st Novice – Tapestry (D)
by Nilda Bodenstedt




1st Novice – “Simple and Sweet’
by Lee-ann Touyz

1st Intermediate – “Simple and Sweet’
by Sharon Stewart

1st Senior – Tapestry (D)
by Leonie Joss



1st Senior – “Simple and Sweet’
by Una Arnold


Demonstration Pieces by Denise Shelbourn and Lyn Fisher


Denise’s definition piece – Crescent Line


Another lovely Crescent Line (D)


Lyn’s most unusual interpretation of “Connected”


A very different version of “Connected” by Lyn