June 2021

Best in Show
1st Interpretative – “All Alone”
by Sue Pilatti

Colour Award,  1st Members Choice
by Jeannette Hudson

Creative Award,   Interpretative -“All Alone”
By Lesley Parkin 

  1st Modern – Free Form
   by Val Roy

st Open – Avant Garde Parallel Wreath (D)

          by Karen Harold
1st Novice – Naturalistic (D)
   by Lee Griffin

   1st Novice –  “Wild Winter”
  by Sijia Pung

                1st Intermediate- Naturalistic (D)
                               by Angela Tew

1st Intermediate – “Wild Winter”
by Angela Tew

 1st Senior. – Naturalistic (D)
        by Jennifer Staniforth

     1st Senior – “Wild Winter”
         by Julie Raymond

June Demonstration 
 Mary Cutler, Helen Bignell, Lesley Parkin, and Barbara Turner

         Mary with her lovey demonstration of “Seasons”


                Helen, Lesley and Barbara starting out.

       Many thanks to all four amazing demonstrators





2021 Members Championship

1st – Pene Brunning 


 2nd – Sue Pilatti


 3rd – Denise Shelbourn

Highly Commended – Sharon Stewart